Mission Statement
The mission of the Friends of the Penrose Community Library is to support and expand a community of readers and to stimulate a love of books and learning, providing educational and cultural programs, as well as, financial support to the library.
The Library Friends Group meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 4:00 pm at the Penrose Community Library.
What do the Friends do? The Friends work to help support the library in all its activities including:
- Community Book Stops around town
- Support the Summer Reading Program
- Support “Penrose Reads”
- Hold Book Sales
- Landscaping of Library Grounds
- Bond Election
- Support the Storyhour Programs
- Participate in Apple Day
- Host a monthly Book Club
- Support “The Giving Tree”
- Support the “StoryWalk” at Penrose Park
Benefits of Joining
- No fines or late fees
- Preview of Book Sales
- Invitations to Special Events
- Pay Half Price on Copy, Lamination and FAX Services
One way to support the Friends of the Library is to help yourself create a healthier life by purchasing your Shaklee products from the Friends website at http://friendsofthepcl.myshaklee.com A Portion of the sales goes directly to the Friends of the Library!
To Join
Please send your check for $20 for a one year membership to:
Attention: Friends
Penrose Community Library
35 7th Avenue
Penrose, Colorado 81240
Please include your name, address and phone number.