Print material (non-reference), audio books, cassettes
- Check out period 2 weeks
- Renewable
Videos, DVDs and Music CDs
- Check out period 7 days
- Renewable
Reference materials
- Check out period 7 days
- Cannot Renew
Any patron may request an item to be reserved in their name as long as their account is in good standing. Once the patron is notified that the material is available, it will be held for 7 days. If the item is not picked up by this time, the item will return to general circulation.
If an item needs to be replaced by a patron for any reason, they will be charged the list price for item plus an additional $2 for processing.
The library does contain movies that are Rated-R. It is the policy of the library that responsibility for what children are exposed to rests with their parents or legal guardians. The library will not assume parental responsibility nor will it be placed in the position of determining who can or cannot check out “rated” movies.